In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Prolotherapy is a technique that activates the body’s healing properties by stimulating inflammation. This starts the healing process with the ultimate goal of reducing and eliminating the sources of pain, regenerating dysfunctional tissue and strengthening ligaments, tendons and cartilage.
According to some research, the treatment causes the proliferation (growth or formation) of new ligament or cartilaginous tissue in areas where it has become weak or degenerative.
Prolotherapy is useful for the treatment of many different types of musculoskeletal pain; including arthritis; back pain; neck pain; Fibromyalgia; sports injuries; whiplash; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Chronic Tendonitis; partially torn tendons, ligaments and cartilage; degenerated or herniated discs; Temporomandibular Disorder; Sciatica; and many more.
Prolotherapy Benefits